Bayesian Plugin Version History
1.08a 12/12/03
Major changes to the reclassify code which include:
- New configuration option: "Store messages database on disk" (default: enabled).
- Reclassify window has (again) close and maximize buttons.
- Trailing CR/LF characters at the end of From: and To: fields are removed.
- Some small glitches with controls.
- Del key in the message list acts as "Remove" button.
- Double-clicking in the message list reverses classification of selected message.
- Sorting mode selection code rewritten.
- Some messages.dat corruption checking/reporting.
- It's now possible to drag the reclassify window list columns to rearrange the order.
1.08 14/11/03
Bugfix: Reclassify window lockups fixed.
Bugfix: French Language.ini
1.07j (1.08pre) 11/11/03
Added: The reclassify window will now save it's contents between sessions in a database.
Bugfix: The Menus which didn't appear under Win95/NT were fixed.
Added: French Ignorelist added.
1.07i 04/10/03
Bugfix: Fixed a possible GPF.
Removed: Unused parts of the V-Mime decoder.
Changed: French language typo's fixed.
Added: Russian Ignorelist.
1.07h 02/10/03
Changed: Heavy optimizations.
Changed: Reverted back to the new fixed V-Mime decoder.
1.07g 01/10/03
Bugfix: Long subject bug.
Changed: Reverted back to the old V-Mime decoder.
1.07f 29/09/03
Bugfix: Reclassification window freezes under XP.
Bugfix: The Ignorelist and incoming mails were parsed incorrectly under some circumstances.
Changed: "Incoming words are case sesitive" checkbox in the configuration panel removed.
Changed: Major changes to the V-Mime decoder which include:
- all character tables are now excluded.
- the Windows code page number is now used wherever possible.
- WinAPI functions are now used instead of character tables.
- additional conversion of headers line's text is added when they explicitly contain the encoding.
- KOI-8 support was added.
Changed: Default option for "Include headers in filtering" changed to "Off".
1.07d 16/09/03
Bugfix: Multithread issues fixed
Bugfix: Configuration dialog, Sorting, Icons
1.07c 06/09/03
Bugfix: Configuration window freezing
Changed: Configuration dialog, Icons, (C)opyright Notice
Bugfix: Lots of fixes since 1.06
Ignorelist Updated
First GPL'd release
1.06 24/03/03
Bugfix: Configuration window freezing
1.05 22/03/03
Change of design for configuration dialog
1.04 19/03/03
Numerical score added to header
1.03 16/03/03
Internal build, not released
1.02 20/02/03 (Interim release for c't magazine only)
Improved import (Added comfirmation of imported emails, progress feedback &
import log)
Ignore words case-sensitivity fixed
More aggressive reclassification
Bug fix: From/To columns sort order
Column sort order now preserved across SpamPal sessions
1.01 01/02/03
Internal build, not released
1.00 01/02/03
Bug fix: Configuration Help button not working
Redesign of configuration window
"Ignore words" configuration section
Increased weighting for words found only in spam or clean emails
"!" and "$" are now considered part of a token
Greater flexibility in parsing, e.g. allowing for prices and IP addresses
Case-sensitivity option
Added email import functionality (beta)
Added version number to wordlist.dat (for future changes)
Option to learn from SpamPal and other plugins or not
Added "degeneration" (see
Bugfix: Email reclassification may not work correctly with case-sensitivity
turned on
Available languages: Danish, German, English, French, Italian, Dutch, Swedish,
1.00rc1 18/01/03
Bug fix: Turning off logging may cause access violation
Bug fix: Email processing limit now saved
Bug fix: Wordlist.dat not created when neither default nor user wordlist
Improved logging information
Leading "_'-" characters are now removed from words
Available languages: Danish, German, English, French, Italian, Dutch, Swedish
0.37 15/01/03
Internal build, not released
0.36 15/01/03
Internal build, not released
0.35 11/01/03
Added "To" and clean/spam column to plugin window
Rearranged configuration window to allow more room for translated labels
Default wordlist is no longer included with installation
Options for limiting the amount of an individual email to process
Threshold for words being used in scoring (currently a word needs to appear 20
times before it is used in scoring)
Rearrangement of options window to allow more room for translated labels.
Option whether to add "X-Bayesian-Words" header or not
"Assume whitelisted email is clean" option
Change "X-Bayesian-Words" probabilities from floating point to integer
HTML comment (<!-- -->) discarding
Improved load/save configuration routines
Improvements to email processing speed
Bug fix: Reclassify window did not keep sorting order
0.34 08/01/03
Bug fix: Buffer overrun in logging
0.33 08/01/03
Internal build, not released
0.32 08/01/03
Bug fix: Error in calculating the size of inserted headers
Added Italian translation
0.31 07/01/03
Added option to include all headers in classification
Extra log information for debugging
0.30 07/01/03
Added a "Learn whitelisted emails" option
Bug fix: Stopped the wordlist being saved too often
Bug fix: Adding to database sometimes causes a runtime error
0.29 06/01/03
Bug fix: Mail reclassified as clean is sometimes added as spam
0.28 06/01/03
German translation of help file
Even more improvements to MIME decoding
0.27 05/01/03
Date column in plugin window is now date & time
Fixed problem with first MIME section being ignored
Wordlist is no longer saved after
send/recv (Now every two hours, only if it has changed)
0.26 05/01/03
Whitelisted emails are no longer added to the database
Extra security on illegal values in the database
Some small speed improvements
0.25 05/01/03
Improvements to the plugin window (added "From" column, window settings now
saved, fixed bug in message subject)
0.24 04/01/03
Improved word expiry handling
0.23 04/01/03
Bug fix: Crash during saving of database
0.22 04/01/03
Improvements to wordlist loading speed
Improved culling of junk words
0.21 04/01/03
Word expiry now triggers a decay rather than immediately removing a word. I
recommend setting Word expiry on configuration dialog (SpamPal trayicon ->
Options -> Plugins -> Bayesian Filter -> Properties) to 5 days.
0.20 04/01/03
Improved MIME-encoding detection
Change to ignore.dat processing (ignore list is now combination of global list
& user list)
0.19 03/01/03
Wordlist.dat is now saved at least every hour
0.18 03/01/03
Bug fix: Incorrect marking of email in the plugin window
Partial MIME-encoding support
Increased log detail (but greatly reduced size) for debugging purposes (for bug
reports please keep logging turned on)
Added external list of words to ignore (Ignore.dat in configuration directory)
0.17 01/01/03
Bug fix: Incorrect formatting of the log file output could an access violation
Language support: English, German, Danish
0.16 01/01/03
Removed workaround/patch for a SpamPal 1.093 window exit bug. (Now requires
SpamPal >= v1.10)
Plugin window is now updated when new emails arrive, resizable, and no longer
"always on top"
Various minor code speed/efficiency improvements
Multi-language support (using lang.ini in plugin directory)
0.15 31/12/02
Reclassification moved from properties window to plugin window
Removed Drag & Drop targets from plugin window
Fixed bug where the plugin would not save the updated database
0.14 31/12/02
Internal build, not released
0.13 31/12/02
Internal build, not released
0.12 31/12/02
Modifications to the configuration loading to increase initialisation speed
0.11 31/12/02
Reclassification is now possible from the properties window (SpamPal Options -
> Plugins -> Properties). Note that the emails are
held between SpamPal sessions.
0.10 30/12/02
Filtering now ignores base64 encoded attachments and decodes "Quoted-
printable" ("=3D" etc.) correctly
Better parsing of words
Improved multilingual support
Subject line now included in filtering
0.09 29/12/02
Spam/Clean drop targets are now buttons too...clicking them will read an email
from the clipboard
Added visual confirmation of Drag & Drop/Paste operations
Now ignores common email structure words (e.g. base64, content-type, http-
Logging is now a configuration option
0.08 29/12/02
Support for SpamPal "-config" option
Extra configuration options (min/max word size & word expiry time)
0.07 29/12/02
Increased code efficiency & speed
Improved configuration handling
More robust filehandling
Improved handling of Drag & Drop
Installer no longer overwrites wordlist.dat
Words now have a last-found date and will be "expired" after 60 days, reducing
the size of the word database
Minor cosmetic changes :-)
0.06 28/12/02
Added a logging facility
0.05 27/12/02
Fixed a couple of plugin window initialisation bugs
More robust handling of Drag & Drop
0.04 26/12/02
Added reclassification Drap & Drop window
0.03 25/12/02
Fixed wordlist.dat file reading problem
0.02 24/12/02
Added configuration dialog
Learning threshold added to increase accuracy of word classification
Added Help files
0.01 22/12/02
First public release.